Transform Your Sanctuary: The Ultimate Bedroom Cleaning Guide


Transform Your Sanctuary: The Ultimate Bedroom Cleaning Guide


We’re just going to unpack the bedroom. We’re going into all of it, and we’re talking about how to clean everything in your room. This is the definitive guide to room cleaning. There are tons of little places that you need to think about cleaning, and when you’re doing a rush clean of your bedroom, you’re probably not thinking about them.

Whenever I approach a room and talk about the method for bedroom cleaning, I always talk about my three-wave system


  • The first wave is tidy and organized.
  • The second wave is to actually clean.
  • The third wave is to take care of the floors and garbage.

We’re focusing specifically on wave two and all of the things that you can do to deep clean your room. There are some areas that you probably think about when you’re cleaning and definitely some areas that you don’t.

We will start by talking about the bed in bedroom cleaning

Transform Your Sanctuary: The Ultimate Bedroom Cleaning Guide

Many beds have headboards; mine does not, but if you have a headboard or art above your bed, you always want to make sure that you’re dusting that headboard or the art. You need a microfiber cloth and a little bit of water, and you just need time to give it a good dusting. Now if it’s a fabric headboard, you can use a vacuum with an upholstery attachment and do the exact same thing. You want to keep your headboard healthy or dust-free because it makes it easier for you to breathe comfortably when you’re sleeping.


Let’s talk about bedding, your pillows, and your comforter

Transform Your Sanctuary: The Ultimate Bedroom Cleaning Guide

Your pillows and your comforter, things that you sleep in or on, should be cleaned every six to three months, depending on where you live and how sweaty you get. We’ve got videos on how to do that, and your decorative stuff you can spot clean, but again, you really want to manage for dust. Sheets should be laundered once every week, and if you really need to push it every two weeks, but your sheets absorb your sweat, your dead skin cells, and your body oils, so it’s important to keep them clean. Just think about them like another garment; it kind of gets yucky sleeping in them, and your room can start to smell. Also, your pillowcase can absorb oils and dirt and can eventually cause acne, especially if you’re an acne-prone person, so you really want to make sure you’re staying on top of those sheets.


The mattress is another area that you want to think about in bedroom cleaning

Transform Your Sanctuary: The Ultimate Bedroom Cleaning Guide

  • You have a mattress protector.
  • If not, I’ll inform you of some of my favorite mattress protectors.
  • They actually protect your mattress from the same stuff we were just talking about with sheets and also spills.

you know,

  • if you have a sick kid sitting on your bed and they puke on your bed.
  • you don’t have to worry about that seeping into your mattress.
  • Just do yourself a favor and get a mattress protector, so remove your mattress protector.
  • We’ve talked about this before in detail.
  • but you essentially vacuum using a clean upholstery attachment or a brush attachment.
  • it just needs to have power on it.
  • and you want to vacuum your mattress really, really well.
  • we’ll move straight from the mattress to the area under your bed .
  • now some people use this for storage other people just keep it empty like me .
  • and either way it’s gonna get dusty under there.
  • so if you do keep things under you’ll have to pull them out.

I would also recommend

  • sorting through that stuff.
  • because it’s very easy to put things under the bed.
  • forget about them until whenever and then have a huge decluttering job on your hands.
  • but when you pull that stuff out or if you don’t have stuff under there regardless you want to make sure that you’re giving the underbed area a good vacuum every now and then.
  • that is where all of those dead skin cells end up falling .
  • because remember dust balls from the top to the bottom and you will often find some of the most massive dust bunnies under your bed .
  • now under your bed happens to be what we call in the Clean My Space world a tier two cleaning job because you don’t get to see it all the time but you should still do it.


Your nightstands are also something that you should be add in bedroom cleaning

Transform Your Sanctuary: The Ultimate Bedroom Cleaning Guide

  • Now your nightstands are also something that you should be cleaning.
  • because those will end up getting dusty as well.
  • If you have glass nightstands like I do,
  • you can use a glass cleaner.
  • If you have wood ones, you can just use a good all-purpose cleaner or even just a damp microfiber cloth to wipe them down.
  • And don’t forget about the stuff that’s on top of your nightstands.
  • It’s very easy to accumulate clutter.
  • so I try to keep mine as minimal as possible.
  • and I also try to make sure that there’s no dust accumulating on those surfaces.

Speaking of surfaces and dust.

  • those are two very important things to manage in your bedroom because dust gets everywhere.
  • As I mentioned earlier, it starts at the top and falls to the bottom.
  • so you want to make sure that you’re cleaning surfaces.
  • including window sills, baseboards, and door frames.
  • I like to use a clean microfiber cloth with a little bit of water on it to clean surfaces.
  • but if you want to get fancy.
  • you can use an all-purpose cleaner or some sort of specialty cleaner for those areas.
  • and finally, I will leave you with this one tip that I absolutely love for managing clutter in your bedroom.
  • and it’s to set a timer for yourself.
  • I do this all the time when I have a couple of minutes to kill.
  • I’ll set my phone for five minutes.
  • and I’ll just blitz my bedroom and pick up as much as I can, and then when the timer goes off.
  • I stop and I can go about my day, and I’ve made my space a little bit cleaner.

Let’s talk about baseboards in bedroom cleaning

Transform Your Sanctuary: The Ultimate Bedroom Cleaning Guide

You should really clean your baseboards whenever you clean your floors. So whether you’re vacuuming, whether you’re sweeping, whether you’re mopping, whatever, you just do it at that time. But they don’t get super dirty if you stay on top of them. So use a microfiber cloth with a little bit of water, or even better, our homemade baseboard cleaner, and you can give them a good wipe. Now, if they’re super dirty, you might need a cleaning toothbrush or a magic eraser, but generally, just a nice microfiber cloth and some water will do the trick.


Let’s talk about the walls

A wall does not get dirty in the same way that a countertop or a stove does. You’re not touching your walls unless you have greasy little kids running around, and you might have some fingerprints on the wall. But for the most part, walls just collect dust. So if you’re noticing dust on your walls, you can give them a good dusting. I use a microfiber cloth on my Swiffer with a little bit of water, and I’ll just run it along the wall, or you can use a vacuum with a brush attachment and just go over the wall, and that’s all you need to do to clean your walls. If you’ve got a super-duper grimy wall, you might need to wash it.

We’ll move on to the windows

If you’ve got windows in your bedroom, you want to clean those as well. So you can use a good-quality window cleaner, a microfiber cloth, or a squeegee. The secret to cleaning windows is to make sure that you don’t clean them in direct sunlight. The sun can dry the solution too quickly, and you’ll end up with streaks. So just do it on an overcast day or in the evening when the sun isn’t hitting your window directly.


Finally, let’s talk about electronics and miscellaneous things in your room

So your electronics, your remotes, your light switches, your doorknobs—all of that stuff can be wiped down with a disinfectant wipe or a microfiber cloth with a little bit of rubbing alcohol. You just want to make sure that you’re not soaking these items because they are electronic and you don’t want any liquids getting in there. But you want to make sure that you’re giving them a good wipe every now and then to keep things nice and clean.


Ideally, you should clean your bedroom weekly. Regular tidying up and a monthly deep clean will keep your space fresh and inviting.

For busy schedules, try setting a timer for 15 minutes and focus on one task at a time. Prioritize tasks like making the bed and putting away clothes to keep your bedroom looking neat.

Use natural air fresheners like essential oils, fresh flowers, or a bowl of vinegar to neutralize odors. Regularly washing bed linens and vacuuming also helps maintain a fresh scent.

Maximize vertical space with shelves and over-the-door organizers. Under-bed storage and multi-functional furniture like storage ottomans can also help save space.

Set small, achievable goals and reward yourself for completing them. Listening to music or a podcast while cleaning can make the task more enjoyable. Remember the benefits of a clean space to stay motivated.

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